Projects 2020

The Other Side of the Pipe

Marko Kumer Murč
When abuses of power are revealed to be a pipeline’s biggest export, ordinary people fight tooth and nail to hold Europe to its values.

Project will be presented by:

Marko Murč, director

Born in 1980 in Slovenj Gradec, Marko Murč is the director of several documentaries (co-director with Urban Zorko, 2013), City of Light (2017) and The Language of Equality (2019). He has worked as an executive director of the Institute for Research of Innovative Arts and is the founder of EnaBanda and Rusaalka Films. Murč is the initiator of a short film screenwriting workshop in Ljubljana and of a young producers association. He is also the creative producer of the Fundaments (Peter Cerovšek, 2018), funded by the Slovene Film Center.

Eric Moses, scriptwriter

Eric Moses is an American-born researcher in social anthropology, scriptwriter and playwright.

Katja Lihtenvalner, producer

Katja Lihtenvalner is a Slovenian journalist based in Athens, Greece.

General sponsor

The Other Side of the Piple


Directed by:
Marko Kumer Murč

Eric Moses, Katja Lihtenvalner

Produced by:
Rusaalka, Rusaalka

Start of production:

Estimated date of finalisation:

Current production stage:

Anticipated length: