ZagrebDox Pro - Call for Entries


ZagrebDox Pro is inviting documentary film directors and producers to apply for the 2020 edition of the training programme. The deadline for entries is 7 December 2019.

ZAGREBDOX PRO (March 15-20, 2020)

ZagrebDox Pro is a training programme for documentary projects in various stages of development and production that includes a Pitching Forum, one-on-one meetings with film industry representatives and a range of masterclasses and panel sessions on current topics in documentary film.

During the intensive four-day workshop, director-producer teams of independent creative documentaries work on improving their pitching skills in order to best present their projects to future financiers and potential co-producers. In specific cases, project teams can be accompanied by a scriptwriter, cinematographer or editor.

ZagrebDox Pro aims to help the participants reach international partners needed for completion of their films through individual and group work on project presentation, by working on improving the structure of the financial plan, and the quality of the teaser.

The workshop trainers and Pitching Forum moderators are the director of Biografilm Festival Leena Pasanen and independent producer Stefano Tealdi.



Creative documentary projects in different stages of development and production are called to apply. Projects closer to completion and projects from Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, Hungary, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia and Serbia, dealing with the region thematically and/or those in search for a co-producer from one of these countries, have an advantage in the selection.

Only those team members that participate in the workshop can participate in the Pitching Forum.

ZagrebDox Pro Terms & Conditions can be found here.



You can apply for the workshop by filling out and sending the online application form.

IMPORTANT: The official language of the training programme is English. All information entered in the online application and all uploaded supporting materials need to be in English, all financial amounts need to be expressed in Euro and the trailer/teaser needs to have English subtitles.


To access the online application form it is necessary to register and create a user account at ZagrebDox's website.

After registration, in your user profile you can submit new projects, edit and save your project applications until you submit them and see all your previously submitted applications.

Your user account also enables you to submit your film for screening at ZagrebDox – International Documentary Film Festival.

For registration and creating a new user account and/or to sign in with your existing account, follow this link.

IMPORTANT: If you already have a user account for film application for screening at ZagrebDox, you do not need to create a new user account for project application at ZagrebDox Pro.


THE DEADLINE for project entries is 7 December 2019.

Attending ZAGREBDOX PRO is completely free of charge.



The participants who do not live in Croatia can apply for ZagrebDox Pro's scholarship that covers travel and accommodation expenses for the workshop. ZagrebDox Pro will provide up to six scholarships.



Along with project teams, up to six participants without a project can attend the closed sessions of ZagrebDox. Several sessions open to the public will be organised as well.

Candidates for participants without the project can apply at after the workshop selection has been announced in February. They must send an email with a subject PARTICIPANT WITHOUT A PROJECT. In the email message, candidates must give their full name, phone number and a short CV.


For all questions and additional information please contact us at

ZagrebDox Pro training programme is organised with the support of Creative Europe - MEDIA Programme.