
Additional Screenings at ZagrebDox


The controversial doc 'Gatekeepers' in which former Shin Bet heads speak about their participation in some of the most controversial Israeli counter-terrorist initiatives, and Morgan Spurlock's 'Mansome' can be seen in additional screenings.


Scottish Party with Bagpipes and Whiskey!


Today at 8pm, Festival Centre, we will raise our glasses to the finest Scottish documentaries from this year's ZagrebDox programme. Join us, admission is free!


Wednesday at ZagrebDox!


Wendesday brings us as many as five Croatian documentary premieres, director's cut of huge documentary hit 'The Act of Killing' by Joshua Oppenheimer and the Author’s Night of Croatian director Vlatka Vorkapić.


SONY presents: Side by Side


On Wednesday, 27 February at 11am, theatre 1, don’t miss the film 'Side by Side' directed by Chris Kenneally, a real treat for film professionals, but also all devotees of the Seventh Art interested in whether digital film recording procedure will fully replace the traditional photochemical one.


Tuesday at ZagrebDox


Check out the premieres of Croatian films 'How's Everyone at Home?' by Kaja Šišmanović and 'Cheese and Cream' by Kristina Leko. Controversial Dox today presents the documentary political thriller 'The Brussels Business' and the State of Affairs section presents a ground-breaking tale about football - 'Game of Honor' by Peter Radovich.


Monday with a series of films


Today at ZagrebDox check out the award-winning 'Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom' by Lucy Walker, an intimate prison journal 'Bad Boy High Security Cell', followed by 'Dragan Wende - West Berlin' about the king of 1970s West Berlin disco scene, and the premiere of Croatian documentary 'Five Women' by Tomislav Perica.


The premiere of Gangster of Love opened the 9th ZagrebDox!


The ninth edition of ZagrebDox was opened last night by the Mayor of the City of Zagreb Milan Bandić, festival director Nenad Puhovski and ZagrebDox producer Lucija Parać.


9th ZagrebDox opens with the world premiere of Gangster of Love!


The festival will be opened by ZagrebDox director Nenad Puhovski and Zagreb City Mayor Milan Bandić. After that, the world premiere of 'Gangster of Love' directed by Nebojša Slijepčević will be screened.


Victor Kossakovsky Retrospective


The 9th ZagrebDox will present eight films by the famous Russian documentarian, the master of observation who finds deep poetic clarity and philosophic vision in the most banal everyday situations.


Juries of the 9th ZagrebDox


This year's international jury is chaired by the successful Croatian filmmaker Vlatka Vorkapić, in addition to other two members: film critic and journalist Dragan Rubeša and Lithuanian director and producer Audrius Stonys.