Masters of Dox


Kim Longinotto
Screening time  
28.02. / Friday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
This film portrays the fate of millions of girls all over the world who are hidden away by their families at puberty. It unfolds through the story of Salma, a famous Tamil poet, who escaped and became a legend.

When Salma, a young Muslim girl in a south Indian village, was 13 years old, her family locked her up for 25 years, forbidding her to study and forcing her into marriage. During that time, words were Salma's salvation. She began covertly composing poems on scraps of paper and, through an intricate system, was able to sneak them out of the house, eventually getting them into the hands of a publisher. Against the odds, Salma became the most famous Tamil poet: the first step to discovering her own freedom and challenging the traditions and code of conduct in her village.


Kim Longinotto

Kim Longinotto, born 1952, is a British documentary filmmaker, renowned internationally for her compelling human portraits and her sensitive and compassionate treatment of unknown topics. She studied camera and directing at the National Film and Television School in Beaconsfield, England, where she now tutors occasionally. Since 1976 she has directed, filmed and produced around 20 films. She is best known for known for her films Salma (2013), Sisters in Law (2005), The Day I Will Never Forget (2002) and Gaea Girls (2000) that won many awards at international festivals like Cannes, Sundance, IDFA and many other.ZagrebDox has screend many of her films in its various programs.

General sponsor


Great Britain
2013, 90', video

Directed by:
Kim Longinotto

Screenplay by:
Ollie Huddleston, Kim Longinotto

Kim Longinotto

Edited by:
Ollie Huddleston

Samuel Sim

Kim Longinotto

Produced by:
Vixen Films

Festivals & Awards:

Berlin International Film Festival 2013 – second place Panorama Audience Award; Documentary Edge Festival 2013 – Best International Feature Documentary; Best International Director; Indian Film Festival Stuttgart 2013 – Best Documentary Film
Sundance Film Festival 2013; Hot Docs 2013; Sheffield Doc/Fest 2013