Masters of Dox

Sex: My British Job

Nick Broomfield
Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
In "Sex: My British Job" investigative journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai teams up with director Nick Broomfield to unveil the terrible reality of the British sex trade.

London is home to an estimated 2,000 brothels, and 80 percent of the prostitutes are foreigners, most of them illegal. As a result, the women who work in them have no rights, live in terror of gangs and are exploited by brothel owners. In Sex: My British Job investigative journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai teams up with director Nick Broomfield to unveil the terrible reality of the British sex trade. The film was shot quite literally from the viewpoint of Hsiao-Hung Pai, who worked illegally as a cleaner in a claustrophobic brothel for several weeks and used spy camera glasses to record the goings on there – while coming under increasing pressure to prostitute herself. This eye-opening film shows how easily Chinese and immigrant women can be drawn into sex work and highlights the shocking reality of what is happening behind closed doors up and down the country.


Nick Broomfield

Nick Broomfield was born in London. He has directed more than thirty documentaries over his forty-year career, including Kurt and Courtney (1998); Biggie & Tupac (2002), Aileen: Life and Death of a Serial Killer (2003); Battle for Haditha (2007), Sarah Palin: You Betcha! (2011), Sex: My British Job (2013), Whitney Can I Be Me (2017) all of them screened at the ZagrebDox. His latest documentary Marianne & Leonard – Words of Love (2019).

General sponsor

Sex: My British Job

Great Britain
2013, 63', video

Directed by:
Nick Broomfield

Screenplay by:
Nick Broomfield

Hsiao Hung Pai

Edited by:
Ian Davies

Marc Hoeferlin

Produced by:
Lafayette Films

Festivals & Awards:

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam – IDFA 2013