State of Affairs


Rob Stewart
Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 3  
In an effort to uncover the truth and find the secret to saving the ecosystems we depend on for survival, director Rob Stewart embarks on a life-threatening adventure.

From the coral reefs in Papua New Guinea and deforestation in Madagascar to the largest and most destructive environmental project in history in Alberta, Canada, he reveals that all of our actions are interconnected and that environmental degradation, species loss, ocean acidification, pollution and food/water scarcity are reducing the Earth’s ability to house humans. How did this happen, and what will it take to change the course that huma nity has set itself on? From the evolution of our species to the revolution to save it, Stewart and his team take viewers on a groundbreaking mission into the greatest war ever waged.


Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart is Toronto-born director. He studied in Ontario, Jamaica and Kenya, leading him to earn his Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. At the age of 22, Stewart began his own mission creating a revolution to save the planet, creating one epic film at a time. His documentaries, Sharkwater and Revolution, have both won numerous awards and continue to inspire audiences around the world.

General sponsor


2012, 86', DCP

Directed by:
Rob Stewart

Screenplay by:
Rob Stewart

Rob Stewart

Edited by:
Becky Hutner, Eammon O’Connor

Duncan Forbes

Rob Stewart, Jim Sherry

Produced by:
Sharkwater Productions

Festivals & Awards:

Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2013 – Fund for Santa Barbara Social Justice Award; Victoria Film Festival 2013 – Audience Award; Atlantic Film Festival 2012 – Audience Award; Best Documentary; Vancouver International Film Festival 2012 – Most Popular Environmental Film; Toronto International Film Festival 2012; Cinefest Sudbury International Film Festival 2012