State of Affairs

Master of the Universe

Marc Bauder
Screening time  
27.02. / Thursday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 2  
01.03. / Saturday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 5  
He was one of Germany’s leading investment experts with an income of several million Euros per day. Now, he sits on one of the upper floors of an empty bank building in the middle of Frankfurt, overlooking a skyline of glass and steel. And talks.

In an extended mix of a monologue and an in-depth interview, which is as frightening as it is fascinating, he shares his inside knowledge from a megalomaniac parallel world where illusions are the market’s hardest currency. Marc Bauder’s Master of the Universe is based on meticulous research and provides us with genuine insight into the notoriously secretive and self-protective ‘universe’ of which our nameless protagonist experiences himself a (former?) master. Where other films on the financial meltdown have focused on the epic nature of larger-than-life business, Bauder probes the mentality that made it possible in the first place. A tense drama where psychology meets finance – two things that are more closely linked than you would like to believe.

Marc Bauder

Marc Bauder, born in Stuttgart in 1974, studied business administration and film. In 1999, he founded his production company Bauderfilm. He directed several documentaries, including No Lost Time (2000, with Christopher Bauder), Last to Know (2006, with Dörte Franke), The Communist (2006), After the Revolution (2010), Master of the Universe (2013) as well as the fiction film The System (2011).

General sponsor

Master of the Universe

Germany, Austria
2013, 88', DCP

Directed by:
Marc Bauder

Screenplay by:
Marc Bauder

Boerres Weiffenbach

Edited by:
Weißbrich Hansjoerg, Schweitzer Rune

Bernhard Fleischmann

Marc Bauder, Markus Glaser, Wolfgang Widerhofer, Michael Kitzberger, Nikolaus Geyrhalter

Produced by:
Bauderfilm, NGF Nikolaus Geyrhalter Filmproduktion GmbH

Festivals & Awards:

Festival del Film Locarno 2013 – Critics Week Award; International Documentary Festival Amsterdam – IDFA 2013; CPH:DOX 2013; Festival dei Popoli 2013; DOK Leipzig 2013