ZagrebDox Pro Retrospective


Pjer Žalica
Screening time  
26.02. / Wednesday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 1  
The film portrays the rich and dynamic career of the Sarajevo-based band Plavi orkestar (Blue Orchestra).

This is a story about a generation that marked our space and time in a particular way, a positive story about the strength and resilience of talent which will find a way out even in the most complex circumstances on the wings of passion and potential. The band front man Saša and his Blues encounter many famed and well-known personalities, pivotal for the space and time in which the band developed, fell and rose again. The film also features completely anonymous personalities whose impact on the development of the tale of Plavi orkestar was different and more intimate.

Pjer Žalica

Pjer Žalica graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo, where he is now a lecturer. The winner of numerous  recognitions at international festivals, together with Ademir Kenović he co-wrote the first post-war film, The Perfect Circle (1997). He directed the short fiction film The End of Unpleasant Times (1998), screened at numerous international festivals, feature-length fictions Days and Hours (2004) and Gori vatra (2003), as well as documentary films Mostar Sevdah Reunion (2000), Children Like Any Other (1995), MGM-Sarajevo (1994), Godot Sarajevo (1993), School of Military Skills (1993) and Boat (1992).

General sponsor


Bosnia and Herzegovina
2011, 105'

Directed by:
Pjer Žalica

Screenplay by:
Pjer Žalica, Saša Lošić

Almir Đikoli

Edited by:
Aida Huseinović

Saša Lošić (Plavi orkestar)

Ademir Kenović

Produced by:
Refresh Production

Festivals & Awards:

Starigrad Paklenica Film Festival 2011 –  Best Director; Sarajevo Film Festival 2011