ZagrebDox Pro Retrospective


Marina Andree Škop
Screening time  
25.02. / Tuesday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 1  
Sevdah is a feeling of life coloured by melancholia, longing and beautiful sorrow. In Bosnia it is expressed with the traditional song – sevdalinka.

Songwriter, performer and researcher Davor and director Marina were brought together by the death of their mutual friend Farah, a sevdah aficionada. Trying to face their own loss and sorrow, they created a film about sevdah and made it an emotional, lyrical and visual journey across the spirit of Bosnia, their feelings and memories.

Marina Andree Škop

Marina Andree Škop was born 1973 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated from Zagreb’s Academy of Dramatic Art, Department of Editing. With her colleague Darija Kulenović Gudan she founded the Studio Dim production company. Until this day she has directed over 30 music videos, 50 TV commercials and numerous corporate films. She works as a director and producer. Sevdah is her first feature-length documentary film.

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Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2009, 66', video

Directed by:
Marina Andree Škop

Screenplay by:
Marina Andree Škop, Jelena Paljan

Sandi Novak

Edited by:
Staša Čelan, Marina Andree Škop

Damir Imamović

Darija Kulenović Gudan, Marina Andree Škop

Produced by:
Studio Dim, Fabrika

Festivals & Awards:

Starigrad Film Festival 2010 – Audience Award; Kimera Film Festival 2010 – Best Music; Bosnian- Herzegovinian Film Festival New York – Audience Award; Golden Apple; Sarajevo Film Festival 2009 – Audience Award