Participate in the ZagrebDoXXL event 'Does the War Ever End'


After the screening of the 'Of Men and War' participate in a discussion about the war heritage, heavy ‘burdens’ and unforgettable war memories.

The second ZagrebDoXXL event, Does the War Ever End?, is scheduled for Wednesday, 7pm, theatre 4. After screenings in Cannes and the main award at IDFA in Amsterdam, ZagrebDox presents Of Men and War, a film by Laurent Bécue-Renard about war veterans and their attempts of integration into normal life, years of therapy and trying to come to terms with themselves, with their past and their families. War traumas, pride, fear, guilt and regret after the screening will be the focus of a discussion with psychiatrist Mladen Lončar from the Ministry of Defence and independent member of the parliament Jadranka Kosor, with journalist and columnist Ladislav Tomičić as the moderator.

More information about ZagrebDoXXL events can be found HERE.