'Two Raging Grannies' Open 11th ZagrebDox!


On Sunday, in a magnificent atmosphere that imbued all five of the Cineplexx Kaptol Centre movie theatres, the 11th international documentary film festival ZagrebDox began with the screening of 'Two Raging Grannies'.

After introductory speeches, the Cineplexx audience were greeted via video message by director Håvard Bustnes, and after the screening by the film protagonists Shirley and Hinda. All those who missed the opening screening of the film will have another chance to see it in the regular programme on Monday.

The festival guests and audience were greeted at the opening of ZagrebDox by the festival director Nenad Puhovski: “I have a feeling this will be a good, relaxed and interesting festival, worthy of introducing ZagrebDox into its second decade. A great team has made the festival stress-free and made it possible to show documentaries different from those we used to see and shoot in Zagreb, and primarily supported new talents, ideas and films. This encounter between world, European, regional and first of all Croatian film is the red thread which seems to be the key to this festival. However, the most important I believe is creative discussion about the films. For that reason, this year we introduced a new section, ZagrebDoXXL, whose aim is to expand the discussion platform with interesting speakers and experts to enhance dialogue, because it seems that this country still lacks it. In our own humble way, we are trying to push it as much as we can.” Festival producer Lucija Parać also addressed the audience and thanked all the partners, sponsors, the general sponsor Croatian Telecom, which has been supporting the festival for 10 years, media sponsors, Croatian Audiovisual Centre, Creative Europe MEDIA Sub-programme, City of Zagreb and especially HRT.

The honour to open the festival went to the deputy head of the City of Zagreb Office for Education, Culture and Sport, Tedi Lušetić: “I want to thank you for making it possible to keep track with the latest global documentary production. I am extremely pleased that your selection includes many Croatian films as well.”

In the week to come, until Sunday, 1 March, more than 150 contemporary world documentary film titles will be shown on the big screen in international and regional competition, nine official sections, three special section and two retrospectives.

Watch the video message from the film director HERE, and from the film protagonists HERE. Photos of the opening night are available in the GALLERY.