Tin Dox presents 11 exciting stories


It is never too early for extraordinary endeavours by which the world will remember you. This is the moral of this year’s ZagrebDox programme intended for the young and all those who feel that way, Teen Dox.

Through 11 interesting stories from all over the world we meet extraordinary young people, their successes and life challenges. The protagonists of Maidentrip stirred global attention even before the film was seen by anyone. The 14-year-old Dutch girl Laura Dekker decided, despite the legal restrictions and public disapproval, to sail the world on her own in her 11.5 metres long sailboat. In the next two years her family only saw her five times, and her best friend was a camera she used to film her adventurous days, with a few suggestions from director Jillian Schlesinger. Equally remarkable is Jelte Tuinstra, the young Dutch musician who is an absolute celebrity in his country. However, there is one problem: Tuinstra is shy. To that aim, he designs an alter ego and becomes Jett Rebel to the public. What is the difference between Jelte and Jett, find out in the documentary Who the Fuck Is Jett Rebel?, directed by Linda Hakeboom.

The film Guidelines by Canadian director Jean-François Caissy explores the world of troublesome adolescents in a Canadian high school. They fight and smoke pot, provoke each other… Why? Let’s find out together. Ida’s Diary by August B. Hanssen is a story about Ida Storm, a young Norwegian whose life is a series of ecstatic ups and deepest downs. Ida harms herself, as testified by many scars on her body. Long.Black.Cloud Is Coming Down by Alexandra Likhacheva shows young citizens of Moscow with ‘fresh’ college degrees, travelling to the Sochi Olympics. In the film This Is My Country by Tamara Erde we learn about the history taught in Israel, versus the one taught in Palestine. The section also includes five short documentaries: Straight with You by Dutch director Daan Bol about a boy who realised very early that he is not interested in girls, Mother Is God by Danish Maria Bäck, Nowhere Place by Dutch filmmaker Susanne Opstal, Santra and the Talking Trees by Finnish author Miia Tervo, and Sunday Lunch by Hungarian director DorottyaZurbó.


Ida’s Diary

Mother Is God

This Is My Country

Nowhere Place

Straight with You

Who the Fuck Is Jett Rebel