Interesting and provocative State of Affairs


ZagrebDox official programme State of Affairs question some of the most important issues and controversies of today, from the current changes in Greece and the fates of prominent information freedom fighters Swartz and Snowden, to environmental and economic manipulations.

In the State of Affairs section we highlight the French-Greek documentary Hope on the Line by Alexandre Papanicolaou and Emilie Yannoukou, which introduces us up close and personal to the president of Syriza and new Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. The directors follow Tsipras during one year, from the turning point elections in 2012, when the radical leftist coalition became the second largest Greek party, to June 2013, when the former Greek government terminated the public TV broadcaster ERT. We see Tsipras’s personality, political views and ambitions, relations in the party, and we learn about structuring a strategy and different future of the country in economic collapse.

On the must-watch list arealso the Killswitch by Ali Akbarzadeh that speaks about control over the Internet, whose heroes are the prematurely dead hacktivist and information freedom fighter Aaron Swartz and whistle-blower Edward Snowden and the provocative The Price We Pay by Harold Crooks explores the sources, damaging consequences and complex moral issues of corporate tax evasion, from the birth of the tax oasis concept in London’s banking circles of the 1950 until today, when half of the world’s money reserve is kept out of reach of state treasuries.

In Victory Day Alina Rudnitskaya dealt with the Russian law banning the promotion of non-traditional sexual relationships among minors and director Robert Kenner found out from a media manipulation master how to shake off responsibility for climate changes in Merchants of Doubt. Environment is also in the focus of the Swiss film ThuleTuvalu by Matthias von Gunten, while in David Bond’s Project: Wild Thing we see a concerned father trying to use marketing to get the kids today, addicted on technology (he calls them glass-eyed zombies), hooked on nature. 

Watch trailers:

Hope on the Line

Project: Wild Thing
