International Competition


John Skoog
Screening time  
08.10. / Thursday, 16:00 - 18:00 Ticket
10.10. / Saturday, 15:00 - 17:00 Ticket

Shot at the height of summer in the Swedish village of Kvidinge, John Skoog’s debut feature is both a portrait of migrant workers and a symphony of mechanized manufacturing. To bear witness to its magisterial images is to confront the eeriness of modern labour, while the tension between beautiful pastoral scenes, on the one hand, and discomfiting images of production, on the other, helps create a sense of dissonance so crucial to the film’s investigation of capitalism and its alienating effects. Although Skoog mainly concerns himself with scenes of harvest work much of it done by machine, his gaze remains sensitive to the human characters on the fringes of the frame: Beata, a seasonal worker who comes to Sweden for the first time, Aaron, a young man with a broken heart returning to the place where he grew up, and Billie, a girl lost in her first summer vacation.


John Skoog

John Skoog is artist and filmmaker born in 1985 in Kvidinge, Sweden. He graduated from the Städelschule, Frankfurt in 2012. His short films Nosferatu (2017), Reduit (2015), Shadowland (2014), Federsee (2013), Fores (2013), Late on Earth (2011) were screened at numerous festivals and exhibitions. In his works, he combines research into history and everyday life with a poetic and fictional atmosphere that is grounded in the film and literary traditions of Scandinavian modernism. He was awarded the Baloise Art Prize in 2014 and the ars viva prize in 2013. Skoog is currently the professor of the film class at the Art Academy in Mainz.

General sponsor


2019, 71'

Directed by:
John Skoog

Screenplay by:
John Skoog, Anna Karasińska

Ita Zbroniec-Zajt

Edited by:
Agnieszka Glińska

Erik Hemmendorff

Produced by:
Plattform Produktion AB

Festivals & Awards:

CPH:DOX 2019 – DOX:Award; IDFA 2019; BFI London Film Festival 2019; Melbourne International Film Festival 2019; Vancouver International Film Festival 2019; Torino Film Festival 2019; DocPoint 2019; Riga International Film Festival 2019; Göteborg Film Festival 2019; Marrakech Film Festival 2019; Bergen International Film Festival 2020


Plattform Produktion
Vallgatan 9d, 2tr
41125 Gothenburg, Sweden
T. +46317116660
F. +46317116660
Erik Hemmendorff