Regional Competiton

Push - pull

Neven Hitrec
Screening time  
05.10. / Monday, 20:00 - 22:00 Ticket

A children's desk as a stage for a comical family drama. The learning process seems more like a modern version of the inquisition, full of yelling, shouting, open threats, velvety promises, bribery on the form of presents or video games, theatrics, memorable speeches, emotional reconciliations and impressively walking out of the stage. Each grade is a question of life or death. Who will be the first to give in, and who will snap – the loving parents or their selfish child? Who will be the first to curse the author of the curriculum? Who will learn by heart all of those unnecessary pieces of information? Who will learn to sing a song at midnight for the exam the next day and who will answer the question "What did the author want to express with this work?" These are all terrible questions, and a man is just a tiny piece of dust, fragile and weak. However, the essential part of human nature is not to give in. So let's move on, keep on keeping on, the future must be better. Let us fight for knowledge like a samurai or a kamikaze, for as long as we breathe.


Neven Hitrec

Neven Hitrec was born in 1967 in Zagreb and graduated in film and TV directing in 1992 from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts. He made several award-winning documentaries that attracted attention in Croatia, but also scored good results at international film festivals. He won the annual Vladimir Nazor Award in 1993 for his documentary films The Hall and 730 Days Later. His fiction debut came with Madonna in 1999. He won the Pula Festival Grand Prix and Vjesnik’s Breza Award for best debut, complete with another two Golden Arenas for best male and female leading role. The documentary film Foreclosure was screened in ZagrebDox’s Regional Competition in 2014 and Red Lorry, Yellow Lorry in 2015 in the same programme.

General sponsor

Povuci - potegni

2020, 61'

Directed by:
Neven Hitrec

Screenplay by:
Neven Hitrec

Boris Poljak

Edited by:
Slaven Zečević

Jure Bušić

Produced by:
Jaka produkcija

Festivals & Awards:

Filmski festival Jugoistočne Europe SEE a Paris 2020. – najbolji dokumentarni film; Mediteran Film Festival 2020.


Jaka produkcija
Josipa Pupačića 19
10000 Zagreb, Croatia
T. +385959001017
Jure Bušić