Regional Competiton


Damiano Giacomelli, Lorenzo Raponi
Screening time  
06.10. / Tuesday, 17:00 - 19:00 Ticket

In the late 80s, on the hills of the wine region of Cupramontana, Fabrizio founded the Sounding Nutshells Tribe. He decided to live in touch with nature and took up residence in an old farmhouse with no electricity or other amenities of modern life, where he receives anyone who wants to try this sort of lifestyle. Thirty years later, we meet Fabrizion, now aged 65, who is spending the summer with his nine-year-old son Siddharta. Siddharta's mother lived in the commune for a few years, before moving to Liguria, where her son comes to see her every two months. The boy's summer is spent preparing for the start of the new school year and playing with other members of the tribe, but also Sofia, a nine-year-old girl, staying with her grandpa not far from the tribe. With her, Siddharta learns about and tries a completely different way of life, beginning to question his father's rules.


Damiano Giacomelli

Damiano Giacomelli is a screenwriter and director born in 1983, in Tolentino, Italy. He studied in Urbino, Rome and Paris focusing on screenwriting. Since 2007, he works as screenwriter for short films, ads and movies. In 2010 he founded Officine Mattòli of which is managing director, and in 2014, together with Eleonora Savi, Officine Mattòli Produzioni. Siddhartha (2019) is his feature debut.


Lorenzo Raponi

Lorenzo Raponi is filmmaker born in 1986 in Tolentino, Italy. He studied at University of Macerata, where he graduated in cinema history and criticism. He has directed short films and documentary videos, and worked as first assistant director. Since 2014, has been working as collaborator for Officine Mattòli Productions. Siddhartha (2019) is his feature debut.

General sponsor

Noci sonanti

2019, 79'

Directed by:
Damiano Giacomelli, Lorenzo Raponi

Screenplay by:
Damiano Giacomelli, Lorenzo Raponi

Damiano Giacomelli, Lorenzo Raponi

Edited by:
Aline Hervé, Enrico Giovannone

Eleonora Savi, Damiano Giacomelli

Produced by:
Officine Mattoli Produzioni

Festivals & Awards:

Biografilm Festival 2019 – New Talents Awards; DOK Leipzig 2019


Viale Regina Giovanna 9
20129 Milano, Italy
T. +393281258804