International Competition

Don’t Hesitate to Come for a Visit, Mom

Ana Artemijeva
Screening time  
15.06. / Tuesday, 17:00 - 19:00 Ticket
17.06. / Thursday, 15:00 - 16:30 Ticket

This poignant contemporary version of maternal melodrama reveals the physical distance between a mother and her young daughter, who can only communicate through a smartphone. As the adult reasons for their family’s physical separation escape her, the little girl requests but one simple and great thing from her mother: to go to sleep in her bed


Ana Artemijeva

Anna Artemyeva was born in 1980. in Moscow. She graduated as a cinematographer and as director of the animation at Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography (Russia). Anna started her MA at DocNomads documentary directing program in 2019. Her graduation film Once upon a time there lived a mother was screened at more than 50 festivals around the world and received more than 25 awards. In collaboration with Russian director Elena Laskaki, Anna Artemyeva made 15 documentaries as a cinematographer and animator.

General sponsor

Priezjai k nam v gosti, mama

Russia, Germany, Hungary, Belgium, Portugal
2020, 12'

Directed by:
Ana Artemijeva

Screenplay by:
Ana Artemijeva

Artur Sokolov

Edited by:
Ana Artemijeva, Daria Razumnikova

Daphne Pascual

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

Visions du Réel 2021 – Nagrada IDFA Spotlight / IDFA Spotlight Award
Hot Docs 2021
DokuBaku International Documentary Film Festival 2021
Artdocfest 2021


Eastwood Agency
3A Technicheskay St.
410010 Saratov, Russia
T. +79170234282
Ekaterina Rusakovich