International Competition

Holy Bread

Rahim Zabihi
Screening time  
14.06. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Ticket
15.06. / Tuesday, 15:00 - 17:00 MM Centar Ticket

Film documents the highly dangerous work of Kurdish kulbars, workers who try to support their families by transporting goods across the Iranian border. On foot, they carry their loads along mountain paths that are rocky, steep, and either slippery due to snow or blisteringly hot. Along the way, many of them suffer injuries, die in blizzards, or are shot by border police. The film crew followed these workers for nine years to document the impact of living like a human pack mule. Film gives exposure to a group of mostly men, who, driven by poverty, hunger, and despair, operate in the margins of society.


Rahim Zabihi

Rahim Zabihi was born in 1971, in Baneh in Iranian Kurdistan. He was the most prominent and prolific Kurdish filmmaker, winning many local and international awards, including the best film from Clermont-Ferrand film festival for Hawar. His movies include Satellite, Goriz End of War, Stress. Zabihi and his brother Keywan died following a tragic car accident. Holy Bread (2020) is his last film.

General sponsor

Hazrat e Nan

2020, 54'

Directed by:
Rahim Zabihi

Mohammad Noori, Mohammad Fakouri, Mehdi Azadi, Salah Karimi

Edited by:
Amir Adibparvar

Sadegh' Azmand

Touraj Aslani, Elaheh Nobakht

Produced by:
MAD Movies, ELI Image

Festivals & Awards:

Ulju Mountain Film Festival 2021 – Special Youth Jury Award
IDFA 2020
Hot Docs 2020
Trento Film Festival 2020
Big Sky Documentary Film Festival 2020
Global Kurdish Film Festival 2020
London Kurdish Film Festival 2020


Elaheh Nobakht