International Competition

Shadows of Your Childhood

Mkihail Gorobchuk
Screening time  
14.06. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Ticket
15.06. / Tuesday, 15:00 - 17:00 MM Centar Ticket

A baby sleeps peacefully in his cradle. Suddenly, beautiful shadows begin to climb on the curtains of the darkened room while the outside world seems to be completely forgotten or gone. The baby wakes up and watches mesmerized how the shadows dance around him. He smiles and waves at them. Miraculously, the world comes to life once again. Mikhail Gorobchuk creates a universe as wonderful as the dawning of perception and language. 


Mkihail Gorobchuk

Mikhail Gorobchuk was born in 1988 in Novokuznetsk, Russia. He graduated Cinematography at Russian State Institute of Cinematography in 2010. In 2013 he received the National Award for Best professional cinematographer in the field of documentary film and television. Katya and Stephanie. Portrait in the Interior is his medium lenth documentary from 2018, Shadows of Your Childhood (2020) is his latest film.

General sponsor

Teni tvoego detstva

2020, 21'

Directed by:
Mkihail Gorobchuk

Screenplay by:
Mihail Gorobčuk

Mihail Gorobčuk

Edited by:
Mihail Gorobčuk

Ekaterina Vizgalova, Irina Kalinina, Vladislav Šuvalov

Produced by:
Svoe kino

Festivals & Awards:

Tampere Film Festival 2021 – Best Documentary
Visions du Réel 2021
Camerimage 2021
Olympia International Film Festival 2021
FeKK Ljubljana Short Film Festival 2021
Artdocfest 2021
Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2021


Svoe kino
143084 Ogarevo 4-18
Moscow, Russia
T. +79067932650