Regional Competition

Between Summers

Anja Koprivšek
Screening time  
15.06. / Tuesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Ticket
16.06. / Wednesday, 17:00 - 19:00 MM Centar Ticket

Zimka and Nazmija are two sisters from a Roma family growing up in Zagreb. Zimka is 17, which makes her older than Nazmija, but she does not act her age. Their relationship is marked by the clash of their characters, but also the strength of their sisterly bond. Before starting high school, together they spend the summer dancing, singing and wandering around the parks and streets of Zagreb. Zimka’s departure to live in a student residence and her relationship with Tin put a new strain on the sisters relationship. The film follows the two sisters during a turbulent time in their lives, raising the question of whether everyone has the right to a carefree adolescence or is that a special privilege.   


Anja Koprivšek

Anja Koprivšek was born in Novi Sad. She graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade in 2019, with a degree in International Relations. Throughout the course of her studies, she completed two educational programmes in the field of Gender Studies - one in Belgrade, the other in Zagreb. She is currently a student at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb, pursuing a Master's degree in Documentary Filmmaking. Between Summers (2021) is her first film. She has been employed as an assistant coordinator at CIRCLE Women Doc Accelerator since February, 2022.

General sponsor


2021, 34'

Directed by:
Anja Koprivšek

Screenplay by:
Anja Koprivšek

Anja Koprivšek, Dora Čaldarović, Lara Varat

Edited by:
Dora Slakoper

Anja Koprivšek

Produced by:
Akademija dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu


Anja Koprivšek