Regional Competition

Punta Sacra

Francesca Mazzoleni
Screening time  
16.06. / Wednesday, 21:00 - 23:00 Ticket
20.06. / Sunday, 16:00 - 18:00 Ticket

Nobody wants to leave Ostia, a small Italian village at the mouth of the Tiber. Everyone who appears in this poetic documentary – apart from the odd recalcitrant teenager – feels a connection to this place, where once the body of Pasolini was found. They have either lived there all their lives or were able to quickly feel at home, as does the Chilean rapper Chicky Realeza, whose songs are clearly inspired by this captivating and sometimes eerie place. But now the illegally built houses which are home to some 500 families are being threatened with destruction. Director focuses on the women of the community, who emanate strength, resilience, intelligence, courage, and love for each other and their country. It appears that the filmmaker had unlimited access: she films discussions, intimate conversations between teenagers, a mother getting a tattoo while surrounded by her family, and preparations for one of the many festivities.


Francesca Mazzoleni

Francesca Mazzoleni is a director and photographer born in 1989, Italy. She studied at the Italian national film school Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome. In 2015 she has written and directed three shorts Il Premio, Lo so che mi senti, 1989 all of them selected in national and international festivals and nominated for the Silver Ribbon Award – the Italian Film Journalists’ prize. In 2018 she directs her debut feature documentary That’s Life (Succede). Award-winning Punta Sacra (2020) is her latest film.

General sponsor

Punta Sacra

2020, 98'

Directed by:
Francesca Mazzoleni

Screenplay by:
Francesca Mazzoleni

Emanuele Pasquet

Edited by:
Elisabetta Abrami

Alessandro Greco

Produced by:
Morel Film

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA 2020 – Best of Fests
Visions du Réel 2020 – Best feature-length documentary
Rome Film Fest 2020 – Special Jury Prize
Annecy Cinema Italien 2020 – Il Concorso - Prix de la Meilleure Réalisation, Art Cinema Award
Raindance Film Festival 2020
Reykjavík International Film Festival 2020
Festival Cinéma Méditerranéen de Bruxelles 2020
Italian Doc Fest – Moscow 2020
Krakow Film Festival 2020
Madrid Italian Film Festival 2020
Zinebi – Bilbao International Festival of Documentary and Short Film 2020


Fabio Tucci     