Regional Competition

The Wire

Tiha K. Gudac
Screening time  
17.06. / Thursday, 20:00 - 22:00 Ticket
18.06. / Friday, 17:00 - 19:00 MM Centar Ticket
20.06. / Sunday, 14:00 - 16:00 Ticket

By constructing an iron fence, right through the beautiful Kupa region, Slovenia has made Croatia somewhat an unwilling buffer for the influx of the refugees coming from Bosnia, trying to reach Europe. Due to the fence, the tourism activities collapsed and a whole new set of dynamics were generated. The region has become the arena attracting extreme-right nationalists, human rights activists, politicians, police and border forces, migrants and refugees who are trying to reach Europe. 


Tiha K. Gudac

Tiha K. Gudac is a filmmaker based in Croatia, where she’s working as a director, scriptwriter and producer. She has directed two feature length documentary films: Naked Island (Factum / Croatia, 2014), and The Wire (Off World / Belgium, Kinoteka /Croatia, URGH!&RTVSLO Slovenia, Relation 04 Media/ Norway, InScript Media / Lithuania, 2021), which have won awards at international documentary film festivals and have had an international theatrical, TV and educational distribution. In the recent years she has directed, written and co-produced documentary series programmes and a film for Croatian national TV broadcaster HRT. As a producer she has independently produced and worked on: film festivals, as well as fiction, documentary, and animated films, commercial and TV formats, some of which were awarded, or box office success. Her early work background was marked by years of involvement with the NGO sector, developing international dialogue building and conflict resolution projects, as well as working in PR and acting in theatre projects. She has an MA as a Master of Film Arts and an MA in Business Marketing. She is a member of Director’s Guild of Croatia, Croatian Filmmaker Association and Croatian Independent Artists Association.

General sponsor


Lithuania, Croatia, Slovenia, Belgium, Norway
2021, 75'

Directed by:
Tiha K. Gudac

Screenplay by:
Tiha K. Gudac, Igor Bašin, Frederik Nicolai

Darko Herič, Thomas Szacka-Marier

Edited by:
Thijs Van Nuffel

Frédéric Vercheval

Frederik Nicolai, Ljubo Zdjelarević, Viva Videnović, Karl Emil Rikardsen, Iva Tkalec, Lukas Trimonis

Produced by:
Off World, Kinoteka, URGH!, In_Script, Relation04 Media

Festivals & Awards:

DOK.fest München 2021
Crossing Europe 2021


Frederik Nicolai          