

Marina Aničić Spremo
Screening time  
14.06. / Monday, 20:00 - 22:00 Ticket

Hrvatska Dubica is a village on the border with the Republic of Srpska. It never recovered from the devastation of war so its number of inhabitants keeps decreasing. The film centres on Nikica Jukić, a former Croatian veteran who went to war when he was seventeen and received his pension when he was twenty-two. He, his unwed partner Svjetlana, who is of Serbian nationality, and the other characters in the film recount their daily life. They speak about love, hatred, co-existence, as well as current topics such as the European Union border and the arrival of immigrants from the East.


Marina Aničić Spremo

Marina Aničić Spremo was born in 1983 in Zagreb, where she graduated in journalism from the Faculty of Political Science. After working as a journalist on radio and TV for many years, in 2015 she completed the MPA-Video Production programme and film school at Zagreb Cinema Club. Since 2016, she has worked as camera assistant on different projects and has created various commercials and music videos. Dubica (2021) is her first independent film project. 

General sponsor


2021, 82'

Directed by:
Marina Aničić Spremo

Screenplay by:
Marina Aničić Spremo, Vesna Biljan Pušić

Marina Aničić Spremo

Edited by:
Vesna Biljan Pušić

Nenad Puhovski, Vinko Brešan

Produced by:
Factum, Zagreb Film


Zagreb Film