Masters of Dox


Ai Weiwei
Screening time  
15.06. / Tuesday, 22:00 - 00:00 Ticket
16.06. / Wednesday, 21:00 - 23:00 MM Centar Ticket

The bureaucratic machinery of the Chinese political system quickly and effectively slowed the spread of coronavirus early in the crisis, but at the cost of more rigorous control and restriction of the rights of the citizens. The film raises the question whether it is more important to preserve personal freedom of individuals during a pandemic or health of the whole society. The raw footage, secretly filmed by amateur cameramen, shows the reality of life in the closed city of Wuhan, its desolate streets and strictly guarded medical facilities. To what extent can the state interfere in the lives of its citizens when a global humanitarian disaster is at stake?

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei is Chinese artist born in 1957 in Beijing, China. He is a director and producer, known for his feature debut Human Flow (2017), Ai Weiwei’s Appeal ¥15,220,910.50 (2014) and Stay Home (2013). He immersed his political activism into his art, fought an authoritarian regime, and consistently defends freedom of expression, which in turn has rendered him not just an important Chinese figure but also an important global figure. His most notable artistic achievements are his massive art installations such as Sunflower Seeds.

General sponsor


2020, 113'

Directed by:
Ai Weiwei

Chen Bing, Da Xie, Guo Ke, Huang Kankan, Li Wen, Peng Liming, Rachel, Shu Dizhan, Tong Hao, Tsering Woeser, Wang Kunpeng, Yu Wei, Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Wenwu

Edited by:
Fen Wang

Hundunzhe Studio, Ling Ling, Punk God

Ai Weiwei

Produced by:
Ai Weiwei production

Festivals & Awards:

FIFDH Genève 2020
Festival filmova o ljudskim pravima u Berlinu 2020
Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival 2020
CPH:DOX 2021


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