State of Affairs


Carmen Losmann
Screening time  
14.06. / Monday, 22:00 - 00:00 Ticket

Worldwide, both economic output and debt have increased many times over in recent decades. At the same time, inequality in wealth distribution is growing and the gap between rich and poor is widening. Is there a correlation between economic growth and debt? Director Carmen Losmann gets to the bottom of the phenomena that is our economic system and tries to understand the rules of capitalism. An ambitious undertaking, as she finds out when the polished glass doors of banks and financial institutions remain closed to her. While many representatives of the financial sector prefer not to speak in front of the camera, those that do struggle to find their words more than once.


Carmen Losmann

Carmen Losmann was born in 1978. in Crailsheim, Germany. After three years of study in Cologne and England (Bachelor of Arts Marketing) she joined the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne and graduated in film. Her debut film, the feature-length documentary Work Hard – Play Hard (2011) deals with the effects of modern human resource management and has been awarded numerous prizes, including the prestigious German Grimme Prize 2014. She received the Gerd Ruge Project Scholarship for the documentary Oeconomia (2020). Lives and works in Cologne and Templin.

General sponsor


2020, 89'

Directed by:
Carmen Losmann

Screenplay by:
Carmen Losmann

Dirk Lütter

Edited by:
Henk Drees, Carmen Losmann

Hannes Lang, Mareike Wegener

Produced by:
Petrolio Film GmbH

Festivals & Awards:

Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival 2020 – Best Testimony on Politics
Berlin International Film Festival 2020
IDFA 2020
CPH:DOX 2020
Sheffield Doc/Fest 2020
Zurich International Film Festival 2020
Bergen International Film Festival 2020
Astra Film Festival 2020
IDFA 2020
Human Rights Film Festival “Inconvenient Films” 2020
L'Alternativa Barcelona 2020


Deckert Distribution
Hanne Bierman