Female directors in Croatian documentary production

Distorted Reflections

Tatjana Božić

The film analyses all the things imposed on women by the media. It presents the framework within which women are supposed to act and accept it as their own – the stereotypes imposed via women's magazines and, primarily, through fashion and advertising industries. It deals with illusions presented to us by media as reality and it peeps behind the scenes. It is a film about women as shown and presented by the media. It was created in cooperation with the women's association B.a.B.e.


Tatjana Božić

Tatjana Božić was born in Karlovac in 1971. She completed her postgraduate studies in documentary filmmaking at the Moscow Institute of Writers and Directors and has since made films wherever she lived: Moscow, London, Zagreb and Amsterdam. She is the co-founder of Fade In. Her documentary Happily Ever After (2014) had independent cinema distribution in the Netherlands, France, Croatia and Slovenia, and was a part of KinoDok 2015. It premiered and was nominated for the Tiger Award at the Rotterdam Film Festival, opened ZagrebDox 2014, and won numerous awards, including the Gouden Kalf – the Dutch Oscar.

General sponsor

Iskrivljeni odrazi

2001, 27'

Directed by:
Tatjana Božić

Screenplay by:
Irena Krčelić

Tatjana Božić, Igor Savatović

Edited by:
Tatjana Božić, Ivor Ivezić

Igor Grubić, Marko Zdravković

Produced by:
Fade In

Festivals & Awards:

ZagrebDox 2012


Fade In
Nova ves 18
10000 Zagreb, Croatia