Projects 2021

Silent house

Farnaz Jurabchian, Mohammadreza Jurabchian
Filmmakers and sibling discuss their family’s history with their mother, an activist in Iran who lives with her family in their ancestral home in the heart of Tehran.

Project will be presented by:

Director Farnaz Jurabchian

Born in Tehran, Iran, Farnaz Jurabchian is an independent filmmaker and writer currently based in Tehran. She received her BFA in Cinema from the Melhoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University in Montreal, Canada, and her BA in French Literature from Tehran University.    

Director Mohammadreza Jurabchian

Born in Tehran, Iran, Mohammadreza Jurabchian is an independent filmmaker and photographer currently based in Tehran. He received his BFA in photography from the Faculty of Art and Architecture, Azad University. Together, these filmmakers who are siblings made several award-winning short films and documentaries that have been presented at a number of international festivals worldwide. 

General sponsor

Silent house

Iran, Philippines

Working title:
Silent house

Directed by:
Farnaz Jurabchian, Mohammadreza Jurabchian

Elaheh Nobakht, Jewel Maranan

Produced by:
F & M Productions, Eli Image, Cinema is Incomplete

Start of production:

Current production stage: