Regional Competition


Francesco Montagner
Screening time  
05.04. / Tuesday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 4 Ticket
06.04. / Wednesday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 5 Ticket

Jabir, Usama and Useir are three young Bosnian brothers, born into a family of shepherds. They grew up in the shadow of their father, Ibrahim, a strict, radical Islamist preacher. When Ibrahim gets sentenced to two years in prison for war participation and terrorism, brothers are suddenly left on their own. The absence of their father’s demands and strict commandments changes their lives drastically and they explore their newly acquired freedom on the difficult journey to becoming men. Growing up has never felt more intimate or exhausting, as they struggle, fight, and face each other, their own distinct identities developing in front of our eyes.


Francesco Montagner

Francesco Montagner was born in Italy and studied Directing Documentary at Prague’s renowned film school, FAMU, in Czech Republic. In 2014 he directed, shot and produced Animata Resistenza, his debut feature documentary on the life and work of the renowned Italian animator Simone Massi. The film has been presented at the 71st Venice Film Festival and awarded with the Venice Classics Award for the Best Documentary on Cinema. Brotherhood is his second feature documentary. He is also teaching at FAMU International in Prague.

General sponsor


Czech Republic, Italy
2021, 97'

Directed by:
Francesco Montagner

Screenplay by:
Francesco Montagner, Alessandro Padovani

Prokop Souček

Edited by:
Valentina Cicogna, Klára Tasovská, Jorge Sánchez Calderón

Pavla Janoušková Kubečková

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

Locarno FF: Pardo d’oro Concorso Cineasti del presente Award (2021)
Ji.hlava IDFF: Main Award in the Czech Joy Competition & Best Cinematography (2021)
São Paulo IFF (2021)
DOC NYC (2021)
Cairo IFF (2021)
Les Arcs (2021)
IDSFF Kerala (2021)
Rotterdam IFF (2022)


Deckert Distribution
Hanne Biermann