19th ZagrebDox Ends


“Continuing the policy of constant development of the festival, ZagrebDox has also introduced a series of innovations this time (...). We believe that we have prepared the best possible foundations for the next, anniversary, 20th ZagrebDox!", said festival director Nenad Puhovski.

Last weekend, this year’s 19th edition of ZagrebDox ended: on Saturday, the winning titles and awards were announced, and on Sunday, it was announced which film won the hearts of the audience.

After the pandemic restrictions, the audience returned to ZagrebDox, in Kaptol Boutique Cinema&Bar, in large numbers this year, and many screenings were completely sold out. The festival hosted over a hundred foreign and Croatian guests, mostly renowned documentarians, and seventy-five accredited journalists reported on the films and festival events.

In the eight days of the festival, viewers had the opportunity to watch 116 documentaries, in 12 programme sections, and 18 awards and special recognitions were awarded. The most watched film of this year’s festival is From All the Power, directed by Dimitar Dimitrovski Diba.

“This year’s ZagrebDox, as we promised, brought a return to all those values of which it was proud until now and which it has systematically been building from the beginning. As the most important international documentary festival in this part of Europe, ZagrebDox presented to viewers the best, most interesting, most awarded and most controversial global, regional and Croatian documentaries this year. With full respect for the taste, knowledge and experience of its audience, ZagrebDox continued to show a full spectrum of creative documentaries, without conforming to current worldview or political trends. The viewers rewarded this with the largest attendance in the past few years, and extremely high ratings of the films watched. As always, the audience showed a special interest in Croatian documentaries, so among the five best-rated films from around the world, there were two Croatian and one Croatian co-production. Continuing the policy of constant development of the festival, ZagrebDox introduced a number of novelties this time as well – a new award for the best short documentary, a new Honorary Big Stamp, cash prizes for the winners of the Big Stamps, new sections – Green Dox, Festival Hits and My Focus, but also a significant change in the Program for professionals (ZagrebDox Pro), which was this time dedicated to only one topic – how to film a war. All in all, we believe that we have prepared the best possible foundations for the next, anniversary, 20th ZagrebDox!”, said the festival director Nenad Puhovski in conclusion.

Finally, the only thing left is for the festival team to thank the audience, sponsors, patrons and partners, guests, colleagues and everyone who socialized, worked and enjoyed the documentary film with us in the past days and weeks.