Terms and Conditions

ZagrebDox - ZagrebDox Terms and Conditions

ARTICLE 1 / General Provisions

ZagrebDox is an international documentary film festival taking place in Zagreb every February and/or March and lasting 8 days, organized by FACTUM.

The Festival aims to offer viewers and film experts an insight into contemporary documentary film production, at the same time providing a place where film professionals can meet and share their creative ideas for future projects.

ZagrebDox is focused on encouraging cooperation throughout southeastern Europe and enabling mutual contacts and recognition of world, European, regional and local documentary production.

ARTICLE 2 / Program

Festival program consists of a competition program, an official program (special thematic programs) and a retrospective program.

The competition program consists of international and regional programs.

1.     International Competition Program includes films from all over the world, excluding those competing in the Regional Competition Program.

2.     Regional Competition Program is intended for the films produced or co-produced in the following countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Croatia, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia and Romania.

ARTICLE 3 / Conditions for submission

The films for the competition programs can be submitted by directors, producers, distributors and national film authorities entitled and authorized for representation and submission of films.

Documentary films of all running times, topics, style and production technologies can be submitted.

The film formats acceptable for ZagrebDox is DCP. Video files or any other formats will not be accepted as screening formats.

Only films released after January 1 of the previous year (2017) can participate in the competition program. Participation in the competition section of ZagrebDox requires a first screening in Croatia (the film must be a Croatian premiere).

Films that have been submitted to ZagrebDox for consideration in previous years are not eligible.


  • October 15, 2017. for films released after January 2017
  • November 15, 2017. for films in production

 (Please note that films in production must be finished no later than January 2018)

ZagrebDox reserves the right to invite films outside the made outside specified deadlines.

The films must be submitted online, on ZagrebDox’s website and an online screening link (with English subtitles) must be entered into the submission form.

The submission form consists of a checklist showing all the information needed for the film to be taken into consideration.

In order to submit a film to the Festival, an entry form must be duly completed.

By filing the submission form the applicant guarantees the accuracy of the submitted data.

A printed version of the online form is not required, however, DVD screeners must be clearly labeled with the film title, director, year of production, duration of the film and valid contact details.

When submitting online links please note that it is the submitters responsibility to make sure the film can be downloaded for the use by the ZagrebDox team and that the password remains valid until the end of ZagrebDox.

There is no submission charge.

ARTICLE 4 / Authorisation

By submitting a film to the Festival, i.e. filing the submission form, the applicant confirms and warrants that he/she is entitled to submit the film to ZagrebDox and has authorization and consent from the owners of copyright and related rights, any trademarked content and/or other subject matter of intellectual property on the content included within the submitted film.

Furthermore, by submitting a film to the Festival, i.e. filing the submission form, the applicant guarantees that all ZagrebDox screening rights are cleared, declares to be the owner of the rights in the work submitted and that he/she is authorized to grant rights of usage and/or to transfer it to third parties.

ZagrebDox, Factum, its representatives, authorized persons and/or employees shall not be held responsible for any unauthorized inclusion of any content in the film that might be the basis for third parties` claims.

The applicant shall defend and fully indemnify ZagrebDox, Factum, all of its representatives, authorized persons and/or employees against all claims, losses, damages, liabilities, and expenses arising out of or in connection with claims by third parties in relation to the submitted film.

Factum reserves the right to, at any time prior to or during ZagrebDox, disqualify and exclude from ZagrebDox any Film that is subject to third parties` claims.

The applicant obliges not to withdraw the film from ZagrebDox after announcement of the official program of ZagrebDox, which is usually 45 days before the beginning of ZagrebDox. In case the film is withdrawn, ZagrebDox and Factum reserve the right to claim damages.

Directors, producers and distributors of the awarded films shall commit to mentioning the award and ZagrebDox in official and promotional materials as well as during the film’s distribution.

You may use ZagrebDox logo and the text "official competition", “Official Selection” or “Winner ZagrebDox 2017” for publicity purposes. The file will be sent to you in digital form.

ZagrebDox reserves the right to write its own texts for the festival catalogue, programs, flyers and other promotional materials.

ARTICLE 5 / Sending the Films

Films must be sent to the following address:

Nova Ves 18/3
10 000 Zagreb

The deadline for having the screening copies in Zagreb is February 5, 2018.

For submitting online screeners please contact submissions@zagrebdox.net .

Senders should clearly specify on their shipments: "No commercial value.”

All costs of incoming mail shall be born by the sender, while all costs of returning mail shall be born by ZagrebDox.

If a shipment is being sent by special delivery, it must be specified on it that the sender will cover the expenses of the delivery and import fees.

Factum shall be responsible for storing and safekeeping of film copies only from the moment of receipt of a mail to the moment of its sending.

In case a film copy is lost or damaged after being received by Factum, Factum shall cover only the cost of material – to this end, the cost of the material in the country of origin should be specified.

ARTICLE 6 / Selection and Screenings

Festival director/Head Programmer selects the films for the official competition and official program. He/she also decides on the screening timetable. In his/her selection work, the Director/Head Programmer may be assisted by advisors of his/her choice.

Festival director/Head Programmer chooses the section in which the film will be presented.

Festival director selects the selectors for other special programs and retrospectives.

The number of films in each program will depend on the running time of individual films.

On submitting a film, the applicant accepts that the film can be selected for any of the competitions or for another program section.

Only films which are selected shall receive an official acceptance letter. Notification of definitive selection (with indication of the section) will be sent to the applicant by the end of January 2017 at the latest.

Each selected film will be shown not more than three times during ZagrebDox. In case a film receives an award, it will be shown three more times together with other awarded films. Films will be shown with both English and Croatian subtitles.

Submitters of films selected for ZagrebDox are obliged to inform ZagrebDox about any screenings and broadcasting dates in Croatia scheduled for a date prior to the end of ZagrebDox. If any other screening/broadcasting event becomes known, the film accepted for ZagrebDox will be immediately disqualified and excluded from the official program. In that case, ZagrebDox and Factum reserve the right to claim damages.

For the purpose of promotion of award-winning films/or films from the official program and ZagrebDox itself, ZagrebDox may screen award-winning/or other films after the Festival. In case a film is selected for ZagrebDox screening after the Festival, the applicant will be contacted in order to discuss the conditions.

During the Festival, the film can be viewed by accredited professional guests and accredited media representatives in ZagrebDox video bar, the digital video library of the Festival. ZagrebDox is entitled to digitize the submitted production for this purpose.

All screeners shall remain in ZagrebDox archives in order to be used for non-circulating use, documentation, educational and cultural purposes, which rights are hereby granted to Factum. For easier storage, films can also be stored in a digital data base.


Official awards of ZagrebDox are:

Big Stamp Award  – for Best Film in International Competition Program

Big Stamp Award  – for Best Film in Regional Competition Program

Little Stamp Award – for Best Film of a young author of up to 35 years of age

Audience Award – for Best Film by audience choice

Official awards consist of a statue, a diploma and a cash prize (subject to availability of funds) in the amount that shall be determined by ZagrebDox subject to the available budget.

Special awards can be given by ZagrebDox, Festival director, expert bodies, professional organizations, NGOs, media, etc.

ARTICLE 8 / Juries

When evaluating films, each jury shall follow their own criteria and shall abide by Jury Rules and ZagrebDox Rules.

The winner of the Audience Award is selected on the basis of the average rating given by the audience after each screening.

ZagrebDox Director proposes the members of the jury for each category.

International Jury – presents the Big Stamp Award for the best film in International Competition Program. It is composed of three acclaimed international experts for documentary film. 

Regional Jury – presents the Big Stamp Award for the best film in Regional Competition Program. It is composed of three acclaimed international experts for documentary film. 

Young Jury – presents the award for the best film of a young author of up to 35 years of age. It is composed of a student director, last year's winner and a representative of film school. 

Special juries – present the awards in special categories.  

ARTICLE 9 / Press Materials and Shipments

Along with the submission form, the following materials must be submitted:

  • HD file of the film
  • a brief synopsis of the film in English
  • at least 3 photographs from the film (of the quality suitable for press)
  • a film's dialogue list in English with time codes, if available
  • the director's photos, biography and his/her year of birth (in order to qualify for Best Film of a Young Author Award),
  • promo material (press packages, posters, etc.)

By filling in the submission form, the applicant authorizes ZagrebDox and/or Factum to use and publish all the above specified materials and information in the ZagrebDox catalogue, programs, flyers, other promotional materials, on the internet and in press for promotional purposes.

ZagrebDox is entitled to publish a trailer or use extracts from a film of up to 3 minutes of running time for promotional purposes.

The materials sent for the pre-selection will not be returned.

ZagrebDox reserves the right to reject film copies of low technical quality that could cause problems during screening, without any compensation or liability to the applicant.

In case additional and/ or screening materials are not delivered by the deadline, ZagrebDox reserves the right to exclude the film from the official program.

ARTICLE 10 / Accommodation and Accreditations

Subject to availability of funds, Factum may invite the director or a representative of a film and cover their travel and/or accommodation expenses.

The authors of all films shown at ZagrebDox are invited to take part in ZagrebDox. If they apply on time (one month before the beginning of ZagrebDox), ZagrebDox will ensure all necessary accreditation and promotion of their film, subject to available funds.

  ARTICLE 11 / Factum

The organizer of ZagrebDox is Factum, a non-profit NGO.

ZagrebDox is supported by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the City of Zagreb, Croatian Audiovisual Centre and sponsors.

Nova Ves 18/3
10 000 Zagreb
Hrvatska/ Croatia
Tel: +385 1 4854 821
Fax: + 385 1 4854 823
mail: info@zagrebdox.net 
web: www.zagrebdox.net

ARTICLE 12 / Final Provisions

By filing the submission form all applicants acknowledge and agree to these Rules.

These Rules are written in Croatian and English. In case of any discrepancies between the two versions, as well as for interpretation purposes, the Croatian version shall prevail.

The provisions not included in these Rules shall be considered directly by Factum in accordance with the Statute of Factum.

Croatian law shall apply to all relations between the applicant and Factum and to all issues not governed by these Rules. In case of any dispute, the competent court in Zagreb shall have exclusive jurisdiction over all issues related to ZagrebDox. The ZagrebDox Director shall have the discretionary right to decide on and solve the cases not specified in these Rules.

Questions concerning regulations and/or submission forms should be directed to  submissions@zagrebdox.net.