Fipresci Jury


Igor Angjelkov

Igor Angjelkov (1974) graduated in Interdisciplinary Journalism Studies, and completed his master's degree in Media and Communications at the Saints Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. He is an active contributor of critiques and reviews in the fields of film, music and literature for several periodicals. Angjelkov is known as the author of Redrum, a radio show about film on Kanal 103 (1997-2003) and of film magazine Filmopolis, on the Macedonian TV channel Telma (2003-2014). He has been a member of several juries at Macedonian film festivals, and, since 2019, he is the programme director of the International film festival Kinenova in Skopje. His oeuvre includes two journalistic works in the field of film art Film.mkd, which won the State Journalism Award Mito Hadjivasilev – Jasmin in 2016, and his latest work Filmski Grad (2018).Angjelkov published three prose books: Krotki prikazni (2006), Kraj-pat (2010) and Foto sinteza (2013) published by his own publishing house ILI-ILI, with the fourth book, Shrapnel, on the way. He publishes film reviews and essays on the Macedonian cinemateque web portal, as well as on his own website,


Marijana Jakovljević

Marijana Jakovljevic, film critic, freelancer, was born in Sibenik, but lives in Zagreb. She graduated in comparative literature and french language and literature at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. From her student days she writes texts on literature, and then on classical music, film, theater, spirituality and theology. She also works as proofreader and editor in publishing. She worked as a professor of french language. She was the coordinator for the Octavian Award of the Croatian Society of Film Critics (HDFK) for three years. In 2017 and 2018 years she was a film selector (one of ten HDFK members) for the Croatian Film Days. In 2017 she was a jury member of FEDEORA (Federation of Film Critics of Europe and Mediterranean) at the Pula Film Festival, and the same year she was a jury member of the Dubrovnik Film Festival (DUFF). In 2019 years she was a jury member of FIPRESCI at Motovun Film Festival. She writes regularly film reviews weekly and monthly, and about film festivals in Zagreb. She is a member of the Croatian Society of Film Critics (HDFK) and the Croatian Community of Free Artists (HZSU).


Zane Balčus

Zane Balčus is a freelance film critic, a board member of the Latvian section of FIPRESCI, and a junior research assistant at the Advanced Research Centre of the Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga. She has co-authored books on Latvian cinema and contributed to the online journal’s special edition on Latvian cinema (2011). She writes film reviews and articles for online portal, the Latvijas Avīze newspaper and, since 2019, is Latvian correspondent for She also contributes to other publications and portals, including
She has been managing director of Riga Film Museum (2014–2019), a programmer for Riga International Film Forum Arsenals (2000–2005) and project manager for the Latvian National Film Festival (2005). She is currently project manager for the Baltic Sea Forum for Documentaries (from 2019). Recently she has served on the FIPRESCI jury at IDFA (2019), goEast international competition jury (2020) and Cannes Docs Works in Progress jury at Marché du Film (2020).