Regional Competition

God on Wheels

Bela Bračko Milešević
Screening time  
15.06. / Tuesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Ticket
16.06. / Wednesday, 17:00 - 19:00 MM Centar Ticket

In Završje Netretićko the ritual of holy mass takes on an entirely new form in an attempt to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic.


Bela Bračko Milešević

Bela Bračko-Milešević was born in Varaždin in 1995. She is a final-year student of the Master’s in Cultural Studies at the Faculty of Humanities in Rijeka and an MA student of Documentary Directing at the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. In 2019, she did her cultural studies internship with the Filmaktiv Association, where she stayed on and became a programmer and organizer of the last two editions of the activist documentary film festival – Mov(i)e Activism. She is an alumna of the Zagreb Cinema Club film school and the Dr Ante Peterlić School of Media Culture and has worked as an assistant on different films. She made her first documentary film Još uvijek ne znam as part of the Blank_Film Incubator online workshop. She also completed the New School of Documentary Film organized by Filmaktiv from Rijeka, which resulted in the making of Sve kaj ti nikad ne budem rekla

General sponsor

Bog na kotačima

2021, 9'

Directed by:
Bela Bračko Milešević

Screenplay by:
Bela Bračko-Milešević

Luka Jazić, Karla Budišćak

Edited by:
Luka Tokić

Bela Bračko-Milešević

Produced by:
Akademija dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu


Bela Bračko Milešević