Regional Competition

Hold Me Right

Danijela Stajnfeld
Screening time  
15.06. / Tuesday, 20:00 - 22:00 Ticket
19.06. / Saturday, 15:00 - 17:00 MM Centar Ticket

The film explores the consequences of sexual violence through a series of intimate testimonials, revealing the culture of indifference and lack of understanding, which affect the victims but shield the perpetrators, raising the question of what it means to heal and whether that is even possible. Drawing the strength to make the film from empathy, at the same time the director struggles with her own experience of sexual assault, experienced as a young actress in Serbia. Since she was not able to speak freely about the abuse she experienced, she finds the courage to share her story through encounters and interviews with other victims like herself.  


Danijela Stajnfeld

Danijela Stajnfeld was born in 1984 in Ruski Krstur, Vojvodina. She earned her MA from The Academy of Film and Theater at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Danijela achieved critical and commercial acclaim in film, television, and theater in her home country of Serbia. The Hole (2016) is her directorial debut, which premiered at The New Filmmakers Film Festival NY and has been featured at the Women Behind the Camera screening series in Los Angeles. Danijela is an advocate on issues of sexual assault and a speaker for Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN). Hold Me Right (2020) is her latest film.

General sponsor

Zacijeli me

USA, Serbia
2020, 75'

Directed by:
Danijela Stajnfeld

Screenplay by:
Danijela Stajnfeld

Charlie Cole

Edited by:
Kelsey Lynne Payne

Jason Binnick, Chris Ruggiero

Mike Lerner, Danijela Stajnfeld

Produced by:
Roast Beef Productions

Festivals & Awards:

Sarajevo Film Festival 2020
Palić European Film Festival 2020
Festival autorskog filma 2020 / Auteur Film Festival 2020
Martovski Film Festival 2020


Roast Beef Productions
Mike Lerner